{Beloved} (agap(8874)oi). Three times in this chapter
( 1,7,11 ) we have this tender address on love. {Believe not
every spirit} (m(8820)panti pneumati pisteuete). "Stop believing,"
as some were clearly carried away by the spirits of error rampant
among them, both Docetic and Cerinthian Gnostics. Credulity means
gullibility and some believers fall easy victims to the latest
fads in spiritualistic humbuggery. {Prove the spirits}
(dokimazete ta pneumata). Put them to the acid test of truth as
the metallurgist does his metals. If it stands the test like a
coin, it is acceptable (dokimos, 2Co 10:18 ), otherwise it is
rejected (adokimos, 1Co 9:27 2Co 13:5-7 ). {Many false
prophets} (polloi pseudoproph(8874)ai). Jesus had warned people
against them ( Mt 7:15 ), even when they as false Christs work
portents ( Mt 24:11,24 Mr 13:22 ). It is an old story ( Lu
6:26 ) and recurs again and again ( Ac 13:6 Re 16:13 19:20 20:10 ) along with false teachers ( 2Pe 2:1 ). {Are gone out}
(exel(886c)uthasin). Perfect active indicative of exerchomai. Cf.
aorist in 2:19 . They are abroad always.