{Fear} (phobos). Like a bond-slave ( Ro 8:15 ), not the
reverence of a son (eulabeia, Heb 5:7f. ) or the obedience to
a father (en phob(9369), 1Pe 1:17 ). This kind of dread is the
opposite of parr(8873)ia (boldness). {Perfect love} (h(8820)teleia
agap(885c)). There is such a thing, perfect because it has been
perfected (verses 12,17 ). Cf. Jas 1:4 . {Casteth out fear}
(ex(9320)ballei ton phobon). "Drives fear out" so that it does not
exist in real love. See ekball(9320)ex(935c) in Joh 6:37 9:34f. 12:31 15:6 to turn out-of-doors, a powerful metaphor. Perfect
love harbours no suspicion and no dread ( 1Co 13 ). {Hath
punishment} (kolasin echei). Old word, in N.T. only here and
Mt 25:46 . Tim(9372)ia has only the idea of penalty, kolasis has
also that of discipline, while paideia has that of chastisement
( Heb 12:7 ). The one who still dreads (phoboumenos) has not
been made perfect in love (ou tetelei(9374)ai). Bengel graphically
describes different types of men: "sine timore et amore; cum
timore sine amore; cum timore et amore; sine timore cum amore."