主題Counsels and Purposes of God, The (上帝的旨意 )
 - 是偉大的
      耶 32:19 

 - 是美好的
      賽 28:29 

 - 是不變易的
      詩 33:11  箴 19:21  耶 4:28  羅 9:11  來 6:17 

 - 是至高無上的
      賽 40:13,14  但 4:35 

 - 是永恆的
      弗 3:11 

 - 是信實與真理
      賽 25:1 

 - 誰也不能廢棄
      賽 14:27 

 - 將被施行
      賽 14:24  46:11 

 - 基督的受難與死亡乃是根據上帝的旨意
      徒 2:23  4:28 

 - 聖徒蒙召、得救乃是根據上帝的旨意
      羅 8:28  提後 1:9 

 - 所有聖徒在基督裡合一乃是根據上帝的旨意
      弗 1:9,10 

 - 上帝的工乃是根據祂的旨意
      弗 1:11 

 - 應由牧者來宣告
      徒 20:27 

 - 當留心上帝的旨意
      耶 49:20  50:45 

 - 上帝的旨意有其不可參透的隱密之處
      申 29:29  太 24:36  徒 1:7 

 - 惡人
   . 不了解
        彌 4:12 

   . 藐視
        賽 5:19 

   . 拒絕
        路 7:30 
 - Are great
      Jer 32:19 

 - Are wonderful
      Isa 28:29 

 - Are immutable
      Ps 33:11  Pr 19:21  Jer 4:28  Ro 9:11  Heb 6:17 

 - Are sovereign
      Isa 40:13,14  Da 4:35 

 - Are eternal
      Eph 3:11 

 - Are faithfulness and truth
      Isa 25:1 

 - None can disannul
      Isa 14:27 

 - Shall be performed
      Isa 14:24  46:11 

 - The sufferings and death of Christ were according to
      Ac 2:23  4:28 

 - Saints called and save according to
      Ro 8:28  2Ti 1:9 

 - The union of all saints in Christ, is according to
      Eph 1:9,10 

 - The works of God according to
      Eph 1:11 

 - Should be declared by ministers
      Ac 20:27 

 - Attend to
      Jer 49:20  50:45 

 - Secret not to be searched into
      De 29:29  Mt 24:36  Ac 1:7 

   . Understand not
        Mic 4:12 

   . Despise
        Isa 5:19 

   . Reject
        Lu 7:30 
