主題Serpents (蛇 )
 - 為上帝所造
      伯 26:13 

 - 特徵是狡猾
      創 3:1  太 10:16 

 - 被稱為快行的
      伯 26:13  賽 27:1 

 - 不潔淨, 不宜食用
      太 7:10 

 - 大批出沒於
   . 牆垣
        傳 10:8 

   . 牆上的洞
        摩 5:19 

   . 荒漠
        申 8:15 

 - 卵生
      賽 59:5 

 - 受咒詛, 更甚於其他所有動物
      創 3:14 

 - 注定要肚子貼地爬行
      創 3:14 

 - 注定要吃摻雜著塵土的食物
      創 3:14  賽 65:25  彌 7:17 

 - 許多種蛇有毒
      申 32:24  詩 58:4 

 - 所有的毒蛇皆可馴服
      雅 3:7 

 - 往往被法術懾住而動彈不得
      傳 10:11 

 - 照旅人看來是危險的
      創 49:17 

 - 人類厭惡憎恨蛇
      創 3:15 

 - 常常被上帝差來, 當作懲罰
      民 21:6  申 32:24  林前 10:9 

 - 跟蛇有關的神蹟
   . 摩西的杖變為蛇
        出 4:3  7:9,15 

   . 以色列人望見銅蛇就痊癒了
        民 21:8,9  約 3:14,15 

   . 使徒得到勝過蛇的能力
        可 16:18  路 10:19 

 - 用來說明
   . 魔鬼
        創 3:1  林後 11:3  啟 12:9  20:2 

   . 假冒為善的人
        太 23:33 

   . 但支派
        創 49:17 

   . 侵擾、毀壞的敵人
        賽 14:29  耶 8:17 

   . (蛇的尖舌,) 惡人的惡毒
        詩 140:3 

   . (有毒的蛇咬) 酒的害處
        箴 23:21,32 
 - Created by God
      Job 26:13 

 - Characterised as subtle
      Ge 3:1  Mt 10:16 

 - Called crooked
      Job 26:13  Isa 27:1 

 - Unclean and unfit for food
      Mt 7:10 

   . Hedges
        Ec 10:8 

   . Holes in walls
        Am 5:19 

   . Deserts
        De 8:15 

 - Produced from eggs
      Isa 59:5 

 - Cursed above all creatures
      Ge 3:14 

 - Doomed to creep on their belly
      Ge 3:14 

 - Doomed to eat their food mingled with dust
      Ge 3:14  Isa 65:25  Mic 7:17 

 - Many kinds of poisonous
      De 32:24  Ps 58:4 

 - All kinds of, can be tamed
      Jas 3:7 

 - Were often enchanted or fascinated
      Ec 10:11 

 - Dangerous to travellers
      Ge 49:17 

 - Man's aversion and hatred to
      Ge 3:15 

 - Often sent as a punishment
      Nu 21:6  De 32:24  1Co 10:9 

   . Moses' rod turned into
        Ex 4:3  7:9,15 

   . Israelites cured by looking at one of brass
        Nu 21:8,9  Joh 3:14,15 

   . Power over, given to the disciples
        Mr 16:18  Lu 10:19 

   . Of the devil
        Ge 3:1  2Co 11:3  Re 12:9  20:2 

   . Of hypocrites
        Mt 23:33 

   . Of the tribe of Dan
        Ge 49:17 

   . Of enemies who harass and destroy
        Isa 14:29  Jer 8:17 

   . (Sharp tongue of,) of malice of the wicked
        Ps 140:3 

   . (Poisonous bite of,) of baneful effects of wine
        Pr 23:21,32 
