主題Travellers (旅人 )
 - 稱為行路的人
      士 19:17  賽 35:8 

 - 提及旅人所做的準備
      結 12:3,4 

 - 往往成群結隊同行
      創 37:25  賽 21:13  路 2:44 

 - 往往聘用熟悉當地的人作嚮導
      民 10:31,32  伯 29:15 

 - 旅人的朋友
   . 往往供應糧食給他們
        創 21:14  44:1  耶 40:5 

   . 有時陪他們走一小段路
        撒下 19:31  徒 20:38  21:5 

   . 每每把他們交託上帝保護
        創 43:13,14  徒 21:5 

   . 每每悲傷地辭別他們
        徒 20:37  21:6 

   . 往往用音樂為他們餞別
        創 31:27 

 - 通常一大早啟程
      士 19:5 

 - 通常中午休息
      創 18:1,3  約 4:6 

 - 傍晚歇腳
      創 24:11 

 - 通常在井旁或溪旁歇腳
      創 24:11  32:21,23  出 15:27  撒上 30:21  約 4:6 

 - 攜帶的東西
   . 路上吃的糧食
        書 9:11,12  士 19:19 

   . 馱獸的糧秣
        創 42:27  士 19:19 

   . 裝了水酒的皮袋
        創 21:14,15  書 9:13 

   . 給款待他們之人的禮物
        創 43:15  王上 10:2  王下 5:5  太 2:11 

 - 往往徒步旅行
      創 28:10  32:10  出 12:37  徒 20:13 

 - 徒步旅行之人的穿著
      出 12:11 

 - 描述長途跋涉的旅人
      書 9:4,5,13 

 - 旅行的顯要人士
   . 騎驢子、騎駱駝
        創 22:3  24:64  民 22:21 

   . 乘車
        王下 5:9  徒 8:27,28 

   . 通常有跑腿的男樸伺候
        撒上 25:27  王上 18:46  王下 4:24  傳 10:7 

   . 常常有先驅者在前面預備道路
        賽 40:3,4  可 1:2,3 

   . 旅行通常講究排場
        王上 10:2  王下 5:5,9 

   . 沿途每每向人強要糧食
        士 8:5,8  撒上 25:4-13 

   . 出發前分派工作給僕人
        太 25:14 

 - 外人對旅人以禮相待
      創 18:2  24:18,19 

 - 款待旅人的人通常極為殷勤
      創 18:3-8  19:2  24:24,32,33  出 2:20  士 19:20,21 
      伯 31:32  來 13:2 

 - 提到給旅人住宿的旅館、公眾客棧
      創 42:27  出 4:24  路 2:7  10:34 

 - 經常有人問旅人他們打哪來, 要往哪去
      士 19:17 

 - 受款待他們的主人保護
      創 19:6-8  士 19:23 

 - 為了安全起見, 往往不走大道
      士 5:6 

 - 提及向旅人保證殷勤招待
      啟 2:17 

 - 有急事出差的人
   . 快馬加鞭去辦事
        斯 8:10  伯 9:25 

   . 不跟路上遇見的人打招呼
        王下 4:29  路 10:4 

 - 用天數估量路程
      創 31:23  申 1:2  王下 3:9 

 - 猶太人不許在安息日長途旅行
      出 20:10  徒 1:12 

 - 上帝預示會有旅人止息的災難 
      賽 33:8 
 - Called way-faring men
      Jud 19:17  Isa 35:8 

 - Preparations made by, alluded to
      Eze 12:3,4 

 - Often collected together and formed caravans
      Ge 37:25  Isa 21:13  Lu 2:44 

 - Often engaged persons acquainted with the country as guides
      Nu 10:31,32  Job 29:15 

   . Often supplied them with provision
        Ge 21:14  44:1  Jer 40:5 

   . Sometimes accompanied them a short way
        2Sa 19:31  Ac 20:38  21:5 

   . Frequently commended them to protection of God
        Ge 43:13,14  Ac 21:5 

   . Frequently took leave of them with sorrow
        Ac 20:37  21:6 

   . Often sent them away with music
        Ge 31:27 

 - Generally commenced their journey early in the morning
      Jud 19:5 

 - Generally rested at noon
      Ge 18:1,3  Joh 4:6 

 - Halted at even
      Ge 24:11 

 - Generally halted at wells or streams
      Ge 24:11  32:21,23  Ex 15:27  1Sa 30:21  Joh 4:6 

   . Provisions for the way
        Jos 9:11,12  Jud 19:19 

   . Provender for their beasts of burden
        Ge 42:27  Jud 19:19 

   . Skins filled with water, wine, &c
        Ge 21:14,15  Jos 9:13 

   . Presents for those who entertained them
        Ge 43:15  1Ki 10:2  2Ki 5:5  Mt 2:11 

 - Often travelled on foot
      Ge 28:10  32:10  Ex 12:37  Ac 20:13 

 - On foot, how attired
      Ex 12:11 

 - After a long journey, described
      Jos 9:4,5,13 

   . Rode on asses, camels, &c
        Ge 22:3  24:64  Nu 22:21 

   . Rode in chariots
        2Ki 5:9  Ac 8:27,28 

   . Generally attended by running footmen
        1Sa 25:27  1Ki 18:46  2Ki 4:24  Ec 10:7 

   . Often preceded by heralds, &c to have the roads prepared
        Isa 40:3,4  Mr 1:2,3 

   . Generally performed their journey in great state
        1Ki 10:2  2Ki 5:5,9 

   . Frequently extorted provisions by the way
        Jud 8:5,8  1Sa 25:4-13 

   . Before setting out gave employment, &c to their servants
        Mt 25:14 

 - Strangers civil to
      Ge 18:2  24:18,19 

 - Generally treated with great hospitality
      Ge 18:3-8  19:2  24:24,32,33  Ex 2:20  Jud 19:20,21  Job
     31:32  Heb 13:2 

 - The caravanserai or public inn for noticed
      Ge 42:27  Ex 4:24  Lu 2:7  10:34 

 - Were frequently asked whence they came and whither they went
      Jud 19:17 

 - Protected by those who entertained them
      Ge 19:6-8  Jud 19:23 

 - For security often left the highways
      Jud 5:6 

 - Tesserae hospitales or pledges of hospitality, alluded to
      Re 2:17 

   . Went with great speed
        Es 8:10  Job 9:25 

   . Saluted no man by the way
        2Ki 4:29  Lu 10:4 

 - Estimated the length of their journey by the number of days
   which it occupied
      Ge 31:23  De 1:2  2Ki 3:9 

 - The Jews prohibited from taking long journeys on the Sabbath
      Ex 20:10  Ac 1:12 

 - Ceasing of, threatened as a calamity
      Isa 33:8 
